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Robots from the 80s and their inventions

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Robotech, Pee-wee's Playhouse, or Dr. Robotech may be familiar to you if you grew up a fan of 80s robots. Evil. You may recall the crude and drab Namco robots that were used to make some of the best movies of the decade. You may not know, but robotics has had a significant influence on many of today's movies. Read on to learn more about the history of these iconic machines and how their inventions influenced their creation.

Rock 'Em. Sock ’Em Robo

For those who were born in 1980s, Rock 'Em, Sock em Robots may have shocked you to discover that they were actually invented back in 1950s. The idea of robots fighting each other was a new and exciting concept, and it fit the period perfectly. The game was played using a simulated boxing rings and the robot's arm- and leg movements were controlled by an action-packed button.

Pee-wee's Playhouse

If you're looking for a show that will make you laugh and cry on the same Saturday morning, look no further than Pee-wee's Playhouse. This classic cartoon series was counterculture in an era when children's TV was becoming more commercial. Pee-wee's Playhouse promoted original characters and was family-friendly. However, it wasn't always a perfect formula.

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Dr. Dr.

A Dr. Evil movie has always been a bit of an affront to modern sensibilities. Its robotic robots, with all their moving parts and their awkward racial, and sexist, juvenile moments, are not what we would like to see in our modern society. But then again, what do we want? If Dr. If Dr.


Mechagodzilla's name is a pun. It refers a 1980s-era robot. It is designed by Black Hole Aliens and defeated King Caesar and Anguirus. This robotic giant has the ability to create a forcefield called a defense neon barrier. It can block atomic-rays. Other weapons used by Mechagodzilla include high pressure homing missiles, a homyu shot with a missile launcher on each foot, five launching guns on its knees, mouth missiles, and space beams (rainbow blasts from its eyes).

Robot & Frank

Robot & Frank from the 1980s is a hilarious movie about a spirit reborn into a robot butler. It is a comedy exploring the concept of genuine artificial Intelligence. Although robots are not human beings with souls and histories, their characteristics make them human. They even have relationships with humans. This theme runs throughout the movie without getting lost in the mix of more prominent themes.

Namco's robotic receptionists

In the 1980s, Namco created and produced a series of receptionist robots, including the infamous Uketsuke Komachi. These robots were photographed in the Namco Museum. However, their true purpose was to provide customer support. They were later moved to the Namco Bandai headquarters, Shinagawa. There are still some of these robots at Namco headquarters.

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Pixar's robots

Two robotic characters in "Interstellar" have no faces. But the robots in "Toy Story 3" are more human-like, and both feature live-action performances by A-list celebrities. But is "Toy Story 3' as amazing as it sounds. Yes, in some ways. The film's live action robots are just as impressive as its CGI effects. Its colorful world and animated cartoon creations are equally enjoyable.

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What are the different types of jobs available in car mechanic?

Three main areas of employment are available for car mechanics:

  • Automotive repair shops
  • Dealerships
  • Independent garages

Automotive repair shops

Most people think of this as the first step to becoming a mechanic. It's the easiest way for most people to get started. Either you can work in a shop that is owned by another person or start your own business.

If you decide to work at a shop, you'll need to apply to join a union. After being accepted into the union, the union will provide training.

Once the training is completed, you can start working.

If you plan to open your own garage you will need to register with government. After you register, you will be required to meet specific standards.

Once you register, you'll receive a license that allows you to operate your garage.

Your license allows for minor repairs and spare parts sales. You can't fix major engine problems with your license.

In addition to selling spare parts, you'll also be expected to offer advice and guidance to customers.

Dealership jobs

Most dealerships only employ mechanics who have a specific skill set. For example, they might only deal with brakes or only replace tires.

Some dealerships hire general mechanics to handle all aspects of car repair.

These positions often require applicants to undergo specific training before being allowed to work. This allows employers to select the most qualified candidates for their roles.

Some dealerships hire students straight out of college. These graduates are already familiar with basic mechanics and can therefore learn about cars.

Independent garages

Independent garages don’t have to be associated with any particular dealer. They tend to be focused on high-quality service.

Independent garages don't have to be associated with any particular company. This allows them to offer higher wages. This makes them generally more well-paid than jobs at dealerships.

However, independent garages may not be better places to work. Many business owners prefer to own their businesses and not delegate the responsibility to others.

This could lead to you working long hours with little control over your day.

It is also possible to expect lower wages than you would if working at a dealer.

The good news? You can easily switch between different types of jobs. To work at a dealership you will need to contact your employer to see if he is open to the idea of hiring you.

Alternatively, if you'd like to work at an independent garage, then you could try applying directly to the owner of the garage.

It's not always easy to find a job. Many other factors can also influence the amount you earn.

This could include the type of vehicle that you are working on and whether or not you charge an additional for labor.

What is the average time it takes to become a mechanic?

It takes years of practice and experience to become an expert mechanic. A professional mechanic will teach you how to fix cars.

You'll have to spend time at a garage learning all you can about cars and mechanics. You will need to be familiar with mechanical engineering books about mechanics, car design, and other topics.

Furthermore, you'll need to enroll in auto school.

The most important thing to do is start early. You don't have to wait until you are older to start studying automotive technology. Start studying automotive technology now to become a mechanic.

Is it difficult to find a job as a mechanic in the automotive industry?

It can be done. Garages often advertise their jobs online and people just apply because it seems fun. If you want to get your foot in the door, you should try applying for a few places and see if they accept student applications. Ask your friends and family to recommend anyone in the field. They may be happy to recommend someone.

What is the best career for an automotive mechanic?

Automotive is an exciting industry filled with opportunities for people who are committed to excellence. You can only succeed in this field if you work hard and learn from others.

You'll need to have excellent communication skills because you'll spend most of your time talking to customers and other employees. You must also be willing and able to travel long distances, which can make it difficult to commute.

Consider taking classes at local universities or community colleges if your goal is to pursue a career in the automotive industry. Many schools offer programs designed specifically for students interested auto repair, sales, and customer services.

Mechanical engineering should be your first choice for a degree. You can earn a bachelor's in as little four years.

Many employers will hire graduates straight out from school. Therefore, it is a good idea to look for employment while still pursuing part-time studies.

Once you've completed your education, you'll probably need to complete some form of training before being able to take up a position as an automotive technician.

This means you'll need pass exams like the Automotive Services Excellence (ASE), certification exam. This test covers topics such engine maintenance as brakes, steering, suspension, etc.

Once you have passed the ASE Test, you are eligible to apply for a National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence License.

Private individuals can have their vehicles repaired with a license. You will be compensated based on how many services you performed.

Not all states require licensing. If you intend to work in another state, however, you will need a license.

Some states don't issue licenses until after completing a certain amount of training. If this applies to you, then you may need to find another option.

What is the length of an automotive training course?

An automotive course lasts for three years.

The first year focuses on theory and learning about cars. The second year is dedicated to practical training, where you will learn how to fix cars, drive them, and do other jobs around the car. You will spend the final year working in a local garage to gain real-world experience.

What qualifications do you need to be a truck-mechanic?

Although you don’t have formal qualifications, you have extensive experience with engines and trucks. Your experience is invaluable as you know how to diagnose problems quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, you have a solid knowledge of diesel technology that will enable you to determine what parts are necessary to repair our vehicles.

What qualifications do I need to become a mechanic?

You will need to pass several exams in order to become a mechanic. These include:

  • A general knowledge assessment
  • A practical exam
  • An apprenticeship test

These tests are designed for you to understand the basic concepts and principles of mechanics before your start as a technician.

You'll be eligible for work as a mechanic after you have passed the tests. You will still need to complete an apprenticeship. This will include training in the trade.

To learn all you can about vehicle repair, you will need to take classes and workshops. Experienced mechanics will also be required.

You'll need a high level of concentration and attention to detail if you want to succeed as a mechanic. You will need to pay careful attention to every aspect when repairing vehicles.

To be a successful mechanic, you will need patience and perseverance. If you don't like to follow instructions, then this may not be the right career path for you.

If you enjoy cars and fixing them, this job could be a good fit for you.


  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)
  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)
  • According to the BLS, the median annual salary for automotive service technicians and mechanics in the United States was $44,050 in May 2020. (uti.edu)

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How To

How to set up a business plan for a car repair shop

Before you can start any business, you must have a good idea of what it takes. You must first understand what type business you want. It might be a good idea to start in a small community with few competitors. In this way, you don't have as much to lose if the first few months go poorly. You will want to locate your auto repair shop near large populations if you plan to open it. Your customers will be able to come to see you when they have problems, and you'll be able to sell them new parts at low prices.

You might consider opening a franchise opportunity when you start your own business. Franchises typically require less capital than traditional businesses. You still need to pay monthly royalties and fees to franchisors. You must also be careful when choosing a franchise. They can promise large returns but not always deliver.

You can start your own auto repair shop if the retail industry is something you're familiar with. Many who own their own businesses agree that it was the best decision they made. You still need to make a business plan prior to you can start. You should write down all the goals you want for your business. One example of this might be to increase sales, improve customer service, or lower costs. Once you've written down these goals, you can look for ways to achieve them.

If you're looking to open an auto repair shop, the next step is to figure out how you can finance it. People borrow money from banks and credit cooperatives to finance their businesses. Banks usually require collateral. This means you must have something to offer as security. Some people even take out loans against their homes. To qualify for a loan, you'll need to show that you have enough cash flow to repay the loan.

Once you have financed your business, you'll need to secure a license. There are several licenses that you could obtain, depending on the type and purpose of your business. For instance, auto mechanics will need a state license. Body shops only require a Federal license.

It's not necessary to develop a marketing strategy. Before you can start advertising, it is important to define what your company stands behind. What makes you business stand out from other businesses? How can your business improve on the work of others? These questions are essential to creating a strong brand personality. This information will allow you to create more effective advertisements.



Robots from the 80s and their inventions